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The 2015 Route

The Open Streets TO route connects neighbourhoods along Bloor St from the Annex to St. Jamestown, as well as along Yonge Street, between Bloor St and Queen St, by opening these streets to people.  We encourage you to walk, bike, jog, or dance your way through these streets. Additional connections to the route can be made via Toronto's trails, parks, and bicycle routes.






To learn more about our Activity Hubs, visit our Acitivity Hubs page 

Open Streets TO is a concept unlike any other street festival currently in Toronto. Open Streets TO is uniquely focused on promoting physical activity and exploring our city in fun and healthy ways. There will also be no outside vending. Rather, all purchases by participants will be made at established businesses along the route. Lastly, Open Streets TO "soft closes" major signalized intersections.


This important concept has many positive impacts on for the city. Open Streets TO will:


  • Open the streets to activity in an exciting, accessible and sociable way

  • Open up unique opportunities for local businesses

  • Open the city for Torontonians as they explore new neighbourhoods, businesses and communities

  • Open up Toronto to international recognition for a high-calibre health and recreation program

  • Open up opportunities for Torontonians to get outside and increase their health and happiness


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