My Business & Open Streets TO
At Open Streets TO we open streets to people and close them to cars to allow people to walk, run, bike, and play in the streets.
Open Streets TO is enouraging you to activate your storefront during our program. We want you to to make the most of the tens of thousands of people moving by your doors.
Invite participants into your store! Play music! Give out balloons!
Give people a taste of what’s going on inside!
Do something that gets people interested in your business.
Please NOTE:
If you are planning to serve food, you must comply with regulations outlined by Public Health.
All storefront activity must be dismantled by 2:00pm on each date.
Any storefront activity must be at least 2.13m (7 ft) or further from the curb of the roadway to allow pedestrians to pass. If you do not have sufficient space, contact to inquire about other spaces available
If you’d like help with ideas or if you have questions feel free to reach out!
Planning on bringing your business outside during Open Streets TO?
Please let us know!
phone: 647-206-9815
Open Streets TO is coming to you! Will you be open for business?

Photo cred: Luskin School of Public Affairs, UCLA