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Get on your bikes and join Our

Bike Parade! 


Open Streets TO and the Danforth BIA are hosting a Bike Parade across the Bloor Street Viaduct on Sunday, September 18 (during 2016's final Open Streets TO's summer program date)!

As you already know, Open Streets TO will be opening up 9KM of Bloor-Danforth and Yonge Street to walking, cycling, roller blading, skateboarding and all other kinds of physical activity, while closing them to cars. And a bike parade is a perfect way to end this year's Open Streets program!

Join us for our free bike decorating station and then ride with us (and show off your decorated bikes) as we parade across the Bloor Street Viaduct. Make sure to check out Cycle Toronto's pop-up bike lane on the way! 

Where and When?

Free Bike Decorating Station  

  • 10:00am - 11:00am

  • Danforth / Hampton

  • For kids (and adults!) Bring your bike/ wagon/ scooter/ stroller!


  • 11:00am 

  • Starts at Danforth / Hampton and then heads west to the Viaduct 

  • All ages and abilities are welcome! 

  • Show off your decorated bikes!

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